But you must have a poor conception of the human mind, if you really believe that we will allow them to replace us? Yes we will need their intelligence gathering, all their data will be sent back to us humans for our own use.
We will never allow robots to rule us to such an extent that we become superfluous, worthless and extinct.
It would become a science fiction horror story, were robots to send back their findings to other robots on a human dead extinct world.
I just cannot believe that after coming through thousands of years of human civilization that we would ever allow robots to take control of us. That would never happen.
There is book review on scienceagogo about exactly such a scanario on the main page smile

I believe that humans will replace their brains by computers. It won't be something confrontational like a war between robots and humans. We won't make robots with the purpose of being replaced at first.

Economics will drive the development of ever more intelligent robots, as I wrote above. At a certain point you can have robots that can replace humans in all respects. You could raise such robots as your children.

The difference between humans and robots is a matter of hardware. I.e. we humans are ultimately machines too. Mike Kremer is being run by a neural network. All one has to do to run ''program Kremer'' is to create that network. Simulating it on a computer will also do.

Robots can thus be the same as humans, but with a clear advantage. They can travel great distances by just uploading their program. They don't need a material vehicle to travel. If someone needs to go to Mars, it will be much cheaper to upload a program to a machine that is already there via radio than sending a human using a rocket.

Some scientists think that it will become possible in the future for humans to upload their neural network in digitized form to a computer. You can then imagine that people will want to become almost immortal using this uploading technology.

Now, there will always be people who oppose the robot technology. But what matters are the people in power: The business leaders and the politicians. They will do what is best for the economy. They will certainly not decide to curtail robot technology. Replacing humans from the work force allows you to save enormous amounts of money. Productivity will skyrocket.

Most people will thus be out of work living on welfare. Their consumption is provided by robots who do all the work. The government will then have to control production, and they'll need pretty powerful computers to do that to prevent the problems the Soviets had. So, the government will ultimately be controlled by computers. The computers will have control of all the factories.

The few people in power will realize that it is better to be a robot, so if possible, they will certainly upload themselves to computers. Perhaps they will restrict uploading technology to certain selected individuals. The status of all other people will gradually become similar to that of today's Chimpanzees.