"I suppose the global warming proponents have been so focussed on getting the masses to blindly believe that they didn't pay attention to reasonable types."

What most people "know" about evolution is what they have been told by teachers, parents, preachers, and political pundits. Same thing with global warming. Most of what people are told about on this subject is misdirection from media-savvy, carbon-financed political pundits; politically-driven, astro-turfed websites, etc.

AEI, CEI, Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute, and other Exxon-backed, constitution-loving True Americans inform us what the evil, lying scientists are saying - all the while keeping the real scientists locked up in FOIA requests and other legal maneuvers. This usually involves a bit of misdirection and misrepresentation.

Scientists have a conference and hundreds of hours of presentations. The paid "patriots" extract the 10 seconds of it for which they have a clever reply and then replay it along with their "refutation" over and over and over. The audience feels nice and indignant, but also enlightened.

The denialists figured out a long time ago they don't have to win the argument. All they have to do is waste time and create confusion.