What has this got to do with a "holographic graphic universe", anyway?
Information Entropy is central to the definition of N-1 Dimensional Surface Area.. which holds binary information(as per the current theory which in my opinion is not complete)
This lives in deSitter Space.. my theory lives in two spaces C-Space(where Quantum values get defined) and I-Space(where Dimensional Properties get defined).
Once again you are far off topic as far as I can tell. One moment we are discussing holograms and the next we're off in la-la land talking about living in time.
REP: Rose you need to take a course in General Relativity.To view or visulaize the Einstein's Universe you must see its complete History which means you expand Time into a Space Dimension.
Can't you stick to one topic long enough to actually discuss it without turning it to your personal viewpoint and wild, unsupportable (by Science and the scientific method) ideas?
REP: I define Science .. and as I had said many times... Science comes naturally to me. Just as someone is good at Dance I am good at Imagination.