Originally Posted By: socratus
According to Einstein’s GRT a mass bends a space.
Where did Einstein’s mass come from ?
We don’t have answer
In other words, Einstein Gravity theory is true,
but it is only geometrical theory of gravity.
The GRT doesn’t give complete explanation gravity.
To understand the gravity we need to know :
Where did mass come from ?

Why resuscitate a dead thread? It makes me want to reply to all the old posts frown

But to address your new point, to understand gravity we do not need to know where mass comes from. There are numerous possible models (QED, for example) that explain gravity without needing to know where the mass of particles comes from.

For example, in the case of gravitons you have force-carrying particles exchanged between matter. Like other force-carrying particles (AKA force carriers), gravitons are not expected to interact with Higgs bosons or whatever other particle/energy/scalar that produces mass.

And if that confuses you - how mass and gravity would be separate entities - don't worry. Confuses me too. What it comes down to is the difference between scalar particles (which create physical properties) verses force-transmitting ones.
