Yes, a real classic that I've enjoyed several times. Hard to fault. Having said that, I find its portrayal of year 2001 society slightly odd - too logical and emotionally muted; conversations always conducted in the most moderate and reasonable tones; both the conversations and sets devoid of the usual human clutter; white is used extensively. Perhaps all of that is intended to imply that turn of century culture had acquired a new clinical orderliness and cleanliness. Still, that, I suppose, is artistic licence, and it contributes effectively to setting the mood.

Are we off topic? Oops. Anyway, I guess 2001's subtle enhancements to human behaviour aren't relevant to the thread. What is relevant is it's depiction of space exploration infrastructure that could not have come into being amid the political and economic conditions of the real world.

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once" - John Wheeler