Originally Posted By: redewenur
To deign to point to the particular - e.g. the reflectors - as evidence, is a waste of time.

Originally Posted By: TheFallibleFiend
And regarding the mirror panel left behind on the moon - it's irrelevant for the moon-hoaxers. I recently heard someone say that you can't reason a person out of an opinion they didn't use reason to get into in the first place.

Both redewenur and TheFallibleFiend want you to believe that;

NASA reflector panel on Moon PROVES Americans astronauts landed on the Moon.

But I happen to know that, during the Luna 17 and Luna 21 missions, French-built reflector arrays were placed on the Moon.

Thus, redewenur and TheFallibleFiend will have you believe that;

French-built reflector panel on Moon PROVES French astronauts landed on Moon,... or,...

Reflector panel placed on Moon by Soviets PROVES Russian astronauts landed on the Moon.

Do you think that these two are really so silly?

No. It is more likely they are propagandists.


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Last edited by preearth; 07/08/10 06:23 AM.

Earth formed from a collision

Plate-tectonics is wrong