I wasn't talking about the spills, but about the public reaction to them. People don't care what happens in other countries. BP's share price drop sends this message to oil companies: "You better not cause a spill in America, but you're more than welcome to wreck Nigeria". So guess which place they'll continue to wreck?

Nor does the public care about human tragedies. Somehow dead birds and lost business are more of a disaster than killing 11 workers in the explosion. A million birds are worth less than a single human life.


indiscretions, we're the ones to blame. Own stocks in an oil company? Do you have a managed mutual fund or retirement plan? Do you own a car, or burn some form of

Haha yea that's excellent. People say "big evil oil companies" but who actually owns them? Who's enjoying the profits? It's not one fat man with a top-hat and cigar, it's ourselves!!!

Last edited by kallog; 06/10/10 05:25 AM.