I have already solved the equation in message #34760
and it is clearly shown what I was telling you.
that BOTH the sums are included for the solution to the equation.

F = (m × Ve) + (Pe - Pa) × Ae
air has a mass of 0.0807 lb / cu ft
0.0807 / 1728 = 0.000046701388 lbs / cu in
the area is 1 sq inch
so air at 6.828 atm has a mass of
6.828 X 0.000046701388 = 0.000318877077264 pound mass
0.000318877077264 pounds = 0.000144640209 kilograms
m = 0.000144640209 kilograms
100 pounds = 45.359237 kilograms
a = F/m
45.359237 kg / 0.000144640209 kg = 313600.466382069 m/s^2

F=(0.000144640209 * 313600.466382069 m/s^2)+ (Pe - Pa) × Ae
F=(45.359)+ (Pe - Pa) × Ae
F=(45.359)+ (689.47kPa-101kPa)*0.00064516m^2
F=(45.359)+ 588.47kPa * 0.00064516m^2
F= 45.359 + 0.3796573052
F = 45.738894305199934012421 N

45 kilograms = 99.208018 pounds

F = (m × Ve) + (Pe - Pa) × Ae

any one knowing any math at all would know that
the above equation is basicaly
1 + 1 = ?
which is the what the basic formula is.

you didnt even use the correct pressure you used apx 1400 psi to start with , knowing it was only 100 psi.

Because we don't have a cone, m*Ve is zero. Therefore, the amount of thrust at a full tank is:
F = (Pt-Pa)*Ae
F = (10132kPa-101kPa)*0.00064516m^2
F = 6471N

As the tank empties and the pipe fills, that force will drop. Thrust ends when Pt = Pa.

100 psi is NOT 10132 Pa !!!!!
1 psi = 6.895 kPa !!!! LOOK IT UP.

and on top of that you botched the results from those two numbers.

ie....F=(10132kPa - 101kPa)* 0.00064516m^2 = 6.47N
6.47N not 6471N

what I think you needed was good ole cheat sheet.

using your atrocity of an result by only using the
0.37N and not adding the 45.35N would of course work in YOUR FAVOR WOULDNT IT?

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.