Originally Posted By: redewenur
Searching the net I've found rough agreement with your quoted figures

(a) 1.4e+21 litres of water on Earth
(b) 334 x 10²³ water molecules per litre
(c) 20,000 drops per litre
(d) daily water ingestion of about three liters per day per person

And your derived figures add up.

Very interesting.

Regarding your theme and conclusion...

Yes, we share the same recycled materials, but when it comes to metaphysical elation, that doesn't move me at all. It's just recycled material, albeit statistically fascinating. On the other hand is the knowledge that all things, tangible and intangible, came from that mysterious no-thing billions of years ago. That moves me. Each to his/her own, I guess.

Thank you for the fact and figure check, redewenur. If you would like credit at the bottom of the article, let me know.

I did find it exciting, and while I'm not Catholic the Pope should too, since in one sense the wine really is the blood of Christ. It is just matter, plain and simple, but cool to think where that matter has been!

Last edited by Warren; 05/08/10 01:56 AM. Reason: spell check