the table shows clinton in office in 2001 which didnt happen, so the 1.863 trillion showing for 2001 is bushs spending not clintons.

bush spent 3.4 trillion in his last term year 2008, which is not covered in the above table.

add em up.
they equal 20 trillion spent by bush.

Obamas budget for 2009 is 3.4 trillion.

Republicans have always spent more than Democrats ,however the Republicans keep acting as if President Obama is doing
something that they wouldnt do.

but what he is doing is spending money on the people of the U.S. and that is something that Republicans do not do.

Republicans normaly favor special interest , such as big oil , pharmaceutical industries and baicaly who ever represents more money beng put in their pockets.

not the average americans pockets...

Democrats started social security.
Democrats started minimum wage.
Democrats started medicare.

Republicans always put down the good things that are in place for the american people.

and now there putting down President Obamas health care plan.

the Republicans are the reason the health care bill is not in place aleady.

everytime I listen to a republican talking about how bad President Obama is for america , I cant help but wonder what america would be like if we had always had Republican Presidents.
I doubt that there would be an america as we know it.
we would not have advanced as far as we have , science would have been so stagnated that there would never have been a space race , we would not have been involved in ww1
or ww2 because those things were not for money , they were for the people and Republicans dont care about the people.

they only care about their money.

and they only spend your money , they do this by creating less taxes for themselves and more taxes for the average person.

dont fall for the new tea party because it is nothing but a modified Republican party.

if the Republicans had there way , everybody that could not work would need the assistance of there family members in order to survive.

that would not bother them because they mostly already have enought money to cover those expences.

but could you afford to keep your parents safe and healthy
and for that matter could your children afford it?

because that is what will happen in the future if the Republicans have their way with us.

they use the "we the people" slogan which is the first three words in the constitution but ignore everything that follows.

there not the people , we are.

so why do they always concern themselves more with the peoples money.
they should change their slogan to "we the peoples money" because that is all they care about.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.