the core is cooling or the heat generated by the core and the magma as the core spins and spins faster than the magma.

because there is less pressure placed on the core by the magma due to the melting ice caps.

more pressure = more heat.
less pressure = less heat.

less friction = less heat.

picture the earth and the core , the places where there is less friction between the core and the magma would be along the equator , this is due to centrifugal forces pushing the magma outwards and at the same time exerting less pressure on the core , the most pressure would be the north and south poles this is because the centrifugal forces are much less there so there is more pressure applied to the core by the magma creating more heat.

the pressure from the ice pushing downwards is decreasing so there is a corresponding decrease in the frictional heat produced at the cores north and south poles.

eventually as this pressure continues to decrease Im
affraid that the core will experience more and more friction along the equator and its speed will greatly decrease.

that could probably take millions of years but the transitional effects could begin at any time if they havent already.

anyway to get back to it , it takes a long time for this cooling to get back to us.

but the atmosphere is still warming up due to global warming.

the weather shows the warming more than anything right now.

the unusual amounts of rain show the warming , as I said here before we will be experiencing shorter colder winters and longer hotter summers.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.