Originally Posted By: airbomb
So a missive shakeup of the energy industry is upon us in North America and for good reason. After decades of burning cheap, readily available fossil fuels people are waking up to the fact that these sources (coal, natural gas) need to be forsaken in the era of Co2 reduction So where does that leave us? Well with a huge hole in our electricity grid for starters. What can we use to fill it? Renewables (wind, solar, geo0thermal) are all effective for small commercial and residential use but what about industrial output? These innovations have shown themselves to be unable to successfully meet our energy needs on a large scale. I think that our only option is nuclear what do you think?

you are right, at least in my view. nuclear reactors produce vast amounts of energy using very little fuel. research on finding more eco-friendly waste disposal methods is ongoing. clean energy sources like solar/wind just produce too little energy per million $ investment.