Where my daughter lives, Tofino, BC, may get quite cold for a week or two--sometimes for more--in the winter. But they have a heating system which can handle things. Freedom Cove is completely enclosed and escapes big winds.

BTW, her mother and I spoke to our daughter, Catherine, by phone, just a few minutes ago.

Yesterday, I spoke to my sister and her husband (my age) in Grande Cache, Alberta. We also spoke to relatives and friends in the Maritimes, in New Brunswick, and in Newfoundland--all thousands of miles apart.


It seems that, as the Bible says: "The kingdom of GOD is at hand." In other words, the future I used to dream about is now.

Currently, I am now 79. As I get ready for my 80's--unless I get promoted sooner than I think--I am busy dreaming up my next decade. It is up to you to dream up yours.

Interestingly, I read somewhere that people who go to church, regularly, and who truly learn how to live in loving fellowship with one another, live longer. Or does it just seem longer? laugh

If I were an atheist--that is, if I were one who did not believe in life after death (maybe some do--let me know)--and if I were smart, I would find a loving fellowship. Or I would create one--one made up of loving atheists, possibly. Or I would go to any other kind of loving church fellowship.

Warning! Beware of the hypocrites. They are everywhere. Believe it or not, they are even among atheists.

BTW, the local church that I go to welcomes anyone who is open to new ideas, including agnostics/atheists. It is one of the thousands of fellowships across Canada known as the United Church of Canada. Here is a contact point or two:

Google on the United church of Canada.

Or meet me at:

Last edited by Revlgking; 10/19/09 01:12 AM. Reason: Of course editing is needed