I do have an intolerance for infinities and your prescient noting of psychological and mathematical intolerance is right on, also your idea of wired disposition, but that is nothing new. While we indeed begin with a clean slate. I suggest to you that by our very nature and from that which we arise we are predisposed in a particular direction to circumnavigate our existence and find resolution to what drives us in that direction. Current thought takes us in the wrong direction because we insist resolution must come from what we have determined about existence, when nothing of a fundamental nature has been determined at all. I will quality this last statement in the following way.

When one visits physical theory and its history, one glaring observation can be made. From the beginning to date theory is riddled with mystery, paradox, uncertainty, and it continues to get worse. For example, particle theory is a mystery within a mystery as evidenced by conclusions drawn from it, and any noted physicist would tell you the theory is in total disarray. Energy has been fragmented into isolated parts and now the universe can't be put back together in a cohesive. No answere are forthcoming and never will be until science goes back to the drawing board. Everything we study in physics is a physical event beginning with the particle and this is where current thought stops. Everything we observe is an aggregate of something else, and when we get to particles the observations stop. A particle, or energy, is an aggregate of what?? Is this really the end-game??

So now we find ourselves lingering at the doorstep of philosaphy. Suppose I suggest to you it is a philosophical concept that may indeed be the solution if it can put the universe back together again. And further suppose energy is an essence of something more fundamental than itself? The only thing standing in the way is man himself, because he has fully accepted particles is all there is. Therefore, dark energy is beginning to get some play but even now science insist space be composed of some kind of exotic "particle"??

what a shame.