What you have basically said, above, is that Tegmark has not predicted nothing of substance which substantiates my original statement that there is nothing there except smoke and mirrors.
That's not true. First of all, Tegmark's ideas are falsifiable, because a priori Tegmark's calculation could have been in conflict with the range of masses favoured by neutrino oscillations observations. The value of the neutrino masses could e.g. still be consistent with our exixtence, but they would have made the experimental constraints a-typical.

Second, accepting the validity of his approach, one learns more about neutrinos. He makes the prediction that the sum of the masses is 1 eV, and this was not known.

Another anthropic prediction was made by Hoyle a long time ago. He predicted that unless the carbon nucleus has an energy level just above the ground state carbon could not have formed in stars in significant abundances. I think that he actually predicted the value of the energy level correctly, but I'll have to look that up.

Hoyle's prediction was very impressive but in a certain sense trivial. Because the prediction follows from the fact that we exist. But Tegmark goes further than that and he predicts a confidence interval. So, although we could still exist if neutrino masses were totally different than the prediction, that would be unlikely in the multiverse setting.