Swine Flu has nothing to do with pigs / swine .

swine flu is most likely a common flu that is being hyped up to boost the big pharma industries , and to implement a forced immunization policy where even if you dont want the vaccine they will come to your home and inject you with it or imprisson you , you will still have the right to choose which of the above you prefer.

imagine the reason we trust our governments to properly implement such a policy !!!

I imagine that this could be used to greatly reduce the worlds population if deemed necessary by our trusted governments.

you imagine what you choose , only use your common sence please , rely on the past to peer into the future.

when I found out that big agri like monsanto had patented pigs , the actual pig genes have been patented ...!!!...

I decided to completely stop eating ANY pig products.

I have also decided to stop eating ANY corn products as there is NO WAY to determine if I would be becomming a monsanto owned product by simply eating their corn.

I had been buying the cannola oil , and now I find that it too is infessted by the genically engineered genes that if consumed will stay in your intestines forever and be passed down to your children , who according to the claims that monsanto has made concerning the pigs genes and the corn genes (your children) might belong to monsanto.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.