Originally Posted By: jondo1976
I've always believed that no matter what name people choose to call God by, there is one ultimate creator...
... Same way with nature,the universe and all of its inhabitants, of which would not exist without someone creating all of it.
Right on, Jondo! And the symbol which I use for the someONE is G0D. And note: I use a "capital" zero--the noTHING,from which ALL things come.

Orthodox Jews use G-d to symbolize the same concept. The Hebrew is Elohim, The Arabic is Allah, the Greek is Theos, the Latin is Deo, the French is Dieu, and on, and on....In my opinion, the important thing is: living what we believe. Deeds, not just creeds.

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT www.unitheist.org