There is something very appealing about 'Threadism", (though I am uncomfortable praising an 'ism'). I think the idea of connectiveness approximates something that I have always felt and have tried to think through too-- that is that by being 'here' we are all part of the whole existence that makes life possible through mutual need and support. However I query the semi-spiritual tone of some of your conclusions, especially the WE as god. We need no god figure in this picture of existence-- the fact we are here is enough verification. We also need no cozy Afterlife Cafe where we will meet up with all our old friends for a bit of a chat. This is it, our death is the end. Any of our atoms left over will go to build the planet further and we will live in the memories of those who knew of us. That is enough-- our separate experience of the thread of each life is the reason for our existence.