Everything is in a state of angular momentum or a product of that orbital motion.This is the mathematical link to everything including the electron, proton, neutron, electromagnetic forces, strong and weak atomic forces, gravity, heat, dark matter, black holes etc..

The definition of angular momentum, as stated in every physics book says that whenever mass orbits, there must be a force and a source for that force for the orbit to take place.

All matter is comprised of particles. Electrons are in an orbital state around protons and neutrons. We now know that the proton and neutron are composite particle, and the proton is comprised of 3 quarks in an orbital state. Then the question becomes; since the quarks have mass, what is the source for the force creating their orbit? Each quark has a positive electrical charge and contains one third the mass of the proton, leaving no mass at its center as a source for its orbit. Because like charges repel the quarks themselves cannot be the source of their orbit. Therefore, this violates the definition of angular momentum, or the source of the orbit of the quarks is beyond our perception to detection. Also; since the proton is the source of the orbit of the electron, it is therefore an outputting particle but does not deteriorate or die a natural death. This violates the conservation of energy laws unless there is a source for this energy.

Is the speed of light only a limit to our perception and detection? Does anything exists beyond the speed of light, and if so then does this region have the capabilities of supporting all the quarks in orbit and maintaining the protron longevity? We cannot see or detect anything beyond the speed of light. However If this is an exchange of energy from above the speed of light to below speed of light, that the proton is demonstrating and if we believe in the conservation of energy there must be mass accelerating from the below speed of light to above the speed of light. There must be a balance between the two regions [above and below the speed of light]. For every input there must be an equal and opposite output for either realm to exist. The amount in each region must remain constant to maintain that balance.

The shape of all galaxies and the orbit of our solar system's comprising this spiral galaxy must also be explained. There must be a source for the gravity allowing these orbits to take place. Now that we can see with telescopes into the center of other galaxies and our own. We see nothing at the center. We do see solar systems accelerating towards this region, and then disappearing into this region. If we believe in the conservation of energy we must assume this matter is just leaving are perception and detection. Since it enters the black hole accelerating it must be going beyond the speed of light and beyond our detection. This verifies an exchange of energy from below the speed of light to above the speed of light which has the capabilities of maintaining the balance. If this is true, then if any galaxies's blackhole had not achieved lightspeed we would see the black hole and its output, and mathematically we could predict it would appear as a quasar. Because of its enormous size and volume, the blackholes must be the source of the energy, which is responsible for the Forces holding all quarks in orbit. Therefore the total pull of all quarks in an orbital state around nothing is the source for the gravitational pull of the black holes at the center of every galaxy. This pulling force creates a great cycle of energy exchange making it possible for all matter and forces to exist.

These conclusions have led me to the study of the natural phenomenon of ball lightning. The shape of this plasma phenomenon and the fact that it exists beyond its connection to its source of energy which created it must be explained. During ball lightning existence it outputs heat, light and electricity without decreasing in size or intensity while it searches for a ground or opposite charge which has the capabilities of absorbing it. We see and detect nothing entering the ball lightning in terms of energy during its existence, but there must be a source of energy for the shape of this plasma and its existence demands it. The only limit to our perception and detection appears to be the speed of light. We must assume that the ball plasma is being supported by energy from beyond the speed of light coming from black holes. The subatomic particles in an orbital state comprising the ball lightning must be fulfilling the same mathematical equation that the quarks comprising the proton does. With the exception of the size difference both phenomenon's ( ball lightning and the proton) shape and existence must be supported by this source of energy. This conclusion leads me to believe that the ball plasma is the key to tapping this unlimited source of energy coming from black holes which theoretically has the capabilities of sustaining our society's energy needs without any pollution.

According to my research, ball plasma could be contained and harnessed inside a spherical capacitor with a deep vacuum center. Once isolated ball lightning has demonstrated it could provide electricity with no visible input and without diminishing in size or intensity. I call this device, a ball plasma fuel cell which I believe has the capabilities of rendering all other sources of energy irrelevant and obsolete.