Originally Posted By: zephir
The physics says it cannot be at the shell center of mass (COM) as the closest ½ shell segment contributes a greater share of the total force on m than the shell segment farther from m.This is exactly why, we are using an average value at center. You're just reinventing light bulb.

No, there is npo av eraging her. The force F GmM/d^2 is used as a proof that the shell acts as if all the force were concentrated at the center of the shell. The expression merely locates he shell cnter at d from m and the expression says nothing about about locating the center of the combined forces acting on m.

If the shell theorem was meely a convenient averaging process don't you think this matter would be mentioned?

Zephir, the shell theorem is described as a "proof" that , the test mass m may consider the mass of the shell located at the shell center.

My next post will indcate the error in calculating earth-moon interactions using the "shell theorem".

I didn't reinvent this light bulb published by Isaac Newton, I am merely poining out the error in perception of what exactly the theorem does state and how some historical misperceptions may be corrected for - if anyone finds a different result or intention I suggest you reevaluate your analysis of this matter.

Mother Nature Included Time in Her Creation so Everything Wouldn't Happen all at Once