Originally Posted By: Zephir
Originally Posted By: Revlgking
is what I think of as 'deity'
How such "deity" is defined? what we can deduce from such definition by sequence of logical steps?

You can deduce anything, from any kind of definition you want. The mind loves to live from its points of past reference, and it bases its logic on what it has been programmed with as reality.
A child sees the world one way, a young adult another way and an octogenarian another. An atheist looks for what it believes is real and sees and experiences that which is sought, and a spiritualist experiences and finds what it imagines is real.
Once one defines reality and sits in that definition it isn't likely he/she is open to see much else, unless persuaded by some kind of evidence or convincing argument that it is real.

Unfortunately we are taught to take the word of others on their authority regardless of whether it is their experience or ours.
Without the experience of something behind the words definitions are just words. If you have never seen a cow, no description will ever really prepare one for the event of the cow experience. The experience will not be anything like listening to words that describe the cow, any more than describing a meal will satisfy the taste buds or the empty stomach of a hungry man or woman.
The idea that mankind would find any satisfaction from a description that comes from someone who has no experience of what they are talking about, would say something about the maturity of mankind as a species. The next level of blind acceptance is to take the word of someone who has had an experience without ever seeking the experience themselves.
Mostly the complacency of autosuggestion, and the acceptance of any story is geared toward how one feels about something and not necessarily the direct experience of the object or idea of discussion itself. "Seek and ye shall find" is a description of the commitment to one pointed faith and the desire for more than a definition.

Perhaps the world is only ready for You Tube or Wikipedia as the authoritative reference to all things great, and all things of little consequence. It takes more than an open mind, it takes conviction and the ability to use the awareness to see beyond definitions to overcome limited ideas about something, even if it's a God.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!