Originally Posted By: coberst
Is there a universal morality that overrides all community boundaries?
In my understanding the morality is an utilitarian principle of Lagrangian/Hamiltonian mechanics, which introduces an categorical imperative for every system of particles: to follow the environment along path, which maximizes the life of particles, i.e. it minimizes the lost of their mass by evaporation in gravitational waves. This criterion follows simply from the fact, the observable matter is just a tiny remnant of preselected particles, which have avoided/evaded their evaporation during Universe formation - so they're pretty careful about it as a whole. The optimal path isn't always the most straightforward one and it depends on outer conditions including time - but it's always a path, which minimizes the lost of energy along path.

While such criterion is quite general, it manifests rather weakly in complex system, where the forces / density gradients for individual particles overlaps mutually, so that the system becomes chaotic. For example, if we compress a spherical cluster of particles (a model of black hole), these particles will make a coalitions, i.e. a nested aggregates of increasing size and complexity. But at the certain limit of condensation the particle cohesion becomes weaker again and the behavior of such system becomes chaotic. This is because the motion of every particle at the center is affected by many surrounding particles at the same time.

The same behavior we can observe in human society, which appears rather social and moral under low social pressure, but when pressure of environment increases, the society becomes more competitive, chaotic and asocial again. The problem here is, the speed and intensity of information spreading inside of such system decreases, so that feedback mechanisms of moral society cannot take place here. So that during wars or in revolutionary times we can met with many deep offenses against morality and social behavior (compare the Stanford Prison Experiment, the rise of Stalin or Hitler during global economical crisis, etc). But AWT makes all of this a rather predictable phenomena - these people aren't moral/amoral in general sense - they just follow a trivial laws of inertial physics.