As a free thinker I can understand the importance of traditional pluralistic thinking a quite well. On the other hand, our society becomes very dense and intensified in terms of information exchange. This puts a high requirement of globalization and unification of concepts, which are serving for information exchange. Which can occasionally lead to situation, when the thinking of individuals will separate from the thinking of the rest of society, so that the new ideas cannot propagate at distance - no matter how deep or fundamental they can be...

The same analogy we can find in AWT understanding of other "traditional values", like conservatism, democracy and "laissez-faire" monetary society. From AWT follows, these seemingly logical and undeniable paradigms can exist in their pure state only in A) very sparse society of primitive communism or B) under very extensive government dissipative control by the same way, like strictly causal density fluctuations can exist only inside of very dense gas. Many strictly logically, i.e. schematically thinking people often tend to ignore the chaotic background, on which the causal logics of democracy and free market society is based.