law 1. the body of rules recognized by a state or community as binding on its members.

Question: If the Golden Rule is a rule, is it also a law?

morality 1. the relative right or wrong of an action; a system of morals; a set of rules or principles of conduct.

Question: Is morality and justice one and the same?

Obviously, in a true and secular democracy, the law and morality--the kind any state or community agrees to have as binding on its members--must be determined by its members.

Question: Who should be the makers of our laws? The elite few chosen to represent us?

Or should all our laws be put to the vote of the electorate by a system of direct democracy?

Questions: Should laws be designed to serve the state or community only?

Or should the emphasis be put on redeeming the individual?

In a secular democracy, when it comes to the laws and morality by which we choose to live, what it the role of religion?

For example, should Muslims, Jews, Christians and others be allowed to make laws for those who belong to those religions?

Last edited by Revlgking; 04/10/09 07:08 PM.