check it out ...

I have read that a 200 ft x 200 ft ... acre of corn will
evoporate 4,000 gallons of water each day...

thats a lot of water , why not put a bubble of transparant plastic sheeting over that corn and capture that water ... the economic plus in doing this would be both the water that can be used over and over again , and the energy used to pump the water from hundreds of feet below ground , and most of the machinery needed to pump the water as the water can just trickel down strings located atop the inside of the balloon , the fact that you would avoid insects that are not wanted and could also allow polination by placing rented bee hives inside the bubbles , and to satisfy environmental concerns and probably get some funding to boot , the ethonol plants could supply the corn plants with C02 and
the C02 would stay in the bubbles...and in the ethonol plants.

Sounds like a great idea to me , mostly just a large greenhouse the size of a farm.

Ethanol plants produce significant amounts of CO2 through the ethanol production process. The USA and Brazil produce more than 70% of the world's ethanol; the U.S. supply comes mainly from corn, while Brazil taps its abundant sugarcane crop.


there you go , you could show those nebraskans how to make corn to eat , the gas to cook it with , the gas to power your tractors
with , and save a little to bottle for yourself ... LOL

then you could invite some over for some corn cooked coffee
and corn critters.

and you could farm year round..

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.