WAY BACK, WE MENTIONED http:www.transaction.net
Long before the current crisis, a group of us, who make no claim to being professional economists, here have been saying in this and other forums: The current debt-based and fiat monetary system, created by the central banks, is the basic cause of the false booms and devastating busts. So we ask: When are we going to learn?

We challenge any readers who are trained in economics to refute the above and please check out the following:
Confidence Is Leaving the Fiat Money System

Daily Article by Thorsten Polleit | Posted on 10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM

Were it not for ever-greater increases in central-bank money and the market expectation that governments are about to make taxpayers shoulder commercial banks' huge losses, the fiat money systems would presumably collapse right away....


Under fractional-reserve banking, banks keep just a fraction of their immediate payment obligations (basically sight deposits) in the form of cash. As a consequence, they cannot meet all their payment obligations should customers wish to withdraw their sight deposits all at once.

Last edited by Revlgking; 01/07/09 06:20 AM.