In India you will observe caste embedded into the society. It is horrible for sensible souls like me. What went worng in the past to create such a mess.
Then I came up with my own theory which I hope historians and the Gene pooling Experiment doers will try to utilize.
At one point of time India was not very populated(It was in thousands).It was not so noisy.It was clean and healthy.Some say it was a United Country(I leave this observation open to verification).
There lived a Philosopher Manu who thought Work should become worship.He asked his countrymen to adopt it with respect.People agreed as it was a good idea to have job security forever.Thus came the extremely professional Caste System.
Manu Died.
After sometime their country was invaded by people who didnt believe in his theory.Manu's professional army managed to deafeat them and then they went they on to expand(in which direction I have no idea) its reach.
Suddenly their new Large population was composed of mix of different genes.
They didnt want to polute their own gene pool.It started an internal struggle where some people argued in favour talent based job assignment and others in keeping with the past practice.No one had any idea of what to do with this new reality. Finally they decided to abosrb all based on the existing job profiles.The lost country had too many workers and suddenly hatred shifted to the bottom line because of unjust absorbtion.Many of higher gene kind shifted to low and vice vera.The caste structure was broken long before Indians realized it.
Today Indians are struggling with horribly contradictory system. Some scientist expect to extract some specific genetic information from this compartmentization.
However their conclusions should not try to prove that those Genes which are worker genes today were originally of the same type.It will be false conclusion and will have social impact.
The experiment if misunderstood has the potential of throwing the world into Medeivial Period.
I urge all those Big Companies to stop sponsoring such projects.