Do I believe in the power of suggestion?

Of Course I do. But I also believe that the most powerful suggestion is the one we give to ourselves, and agree to accept as true. This is what I call the pneuma factor. Pneumatism trumps hypnotism, every time!

The fundamental beliefs of humanity have reflected superstition, suspicion, survival, hope, emotional dependence sometimes called love, fear, separation, susceptibility to disease or physical frailty, beauty in self prescribed levels of comprehension. etc. etc.
The foundation of self hypnosis is society, and and the social mores that suggest moral structures and the humans role in the universe as it is fine tuned by belief in religion, sciences and parental influences.
Those of authority who have already decided what and who we are, influences the mind from birth to some future moment when cognitive functioning begins to open itself to the personality and its own thoughts of "Who am I and how do I fit into this world?."
What we tell ourselves and how we apply that on top of the suggestions in programing do not replace the programs but alter them to fit together with the new and improved suggestion.
If one believes the world is a dangerous unfeeling place and we choose to be different we do not change the underlying reality of the belief in the vacuous world order of chaos and fear, we only decide for ourselves what we should do in the arena created from previous suggestions.
If the previous suggestions of reality are illusions of social beliefs and superstitions created through generations of suggestion and influence who then decides which reality is real?
Each generation in its quest to improve upon the failures of the generation before can only work within the influences of the box built by previous generations.
How does one escape the boxed suggestions of generational influence to discover what underlies all suggestions of reality and behavior conducive to creating hormonal secretions that are the byproduct of behaviors attached to good feelings?
Are we destined to act like hamsters and rats who are trained in behavioral patterns to release homones within the nervous system so we feel good regardless of the infinite potential of reality and the intellectual nature of what Humans are actually capable of achieving outside of the hamster cage designed to house the rodent mentality between birth and death?
Is the road paved with good feelings really the road to liberation from the boxes created in beliefs and opinions, or is it wishful thinking created from the rodent who just recognizes the difference between feeling good and feeling bad? Is that the best we can do as humans? To design our feelings?

Giving does create good feelings but then does it make you feel good to give to a vacuum or an empty social system that facilitates sloth and complacency? Social programs often attract those who take because they are themselves too lazy to create for themselves. A codependent social structure created to give to others so one can feel good about themselves often fails to enliven the capabilities of human potential within the vacuum of understanding and comprehension of what it is to be human.

Abraham maslow discovered that when the left and right hemispheres of the brain are coherently functioning it creates something similar to the "Peak experience" that people feel when they are filled with awe both emotionally and intellectually. Meditative practices that are effective enough to bring the mind into coherence without the hypnotic suggestions release the mind and the nervous system from suggestive programs bringing the nervous system to stillness and expanded awareness. The mind in pure stillness and cognitive awareness of itself without programs can begin to separate suggestion from the awareness to percieve awareness in its natural state. There the human intellect expands to become self aware of itself in everything and everyone. It no longer finds itself needing to feed the hand or the foot to try and make the whole body feel better. By filling the mind with pure potential all parts of the body achieve perfect health and psychological balance.

Psychology is one of the least succesful sciences when it comes to understanding the nature of humanity. It has a tendency to observe chemical reactions within the body and attempt with drugs to simulate hormonal activity to transmute moods of distress and fear.
Humanity as a whole, working collectively from beliefs based on generations of programmed thoughts or suggestions labeled, flagged, packaged with ribbons and flair by our authoritative sources have laid out for society the rules and the boundaries of who and what we are and are capable of.
Mindless suggestions, one after another from those with diplomas and doctorates designed by good intentions but without complete awareness and knowledge of reality is more like a dog teaching its puppies to be a dog than human potential releasing boundaries created by belief in the human mind so the mind can expand beyond suggestions of reality by those who haven't a clue.
Human hamsters teaching its children to be human hamsters doesn't release the human from being a hamster by programming. And the desire to rise beyond rodent consciousness is rarely achieved by anyone who doesn't have an experience of anything other than rodent consciousness. It will only have the ideas of rodent life to compare to anything that seems new or out of the box, and then decide to translate the unknown into rodent aware knowns.