I had once worked on a Knowledge Management theory. It tried to search for relevant information wihout any manual intervention.
Something like google.
The intelligence was acheived using Fuzzy logic and Blooms Question Matrix and My Response Matrix.
It tried to exploit the Group Discussion psycology to extract relevant information.
Its application was limited to hard core technical forums where there will be a limited domain of vocabulary.
Some understood what I was trying to say ...
Some refused to understand it ...
and some said it has already been invented.
I was shocked at my treatment....
And this happens only in India.

Anyways since then I have thought a lot and have decided to come up with a formula to measure Group Intelligence.
What do you think should be the following proposed formula?
Following assumptions can be taken:
1.Average intelligence of the group is - Very Good.
2.The resource availability for the connectivity is - very good.
3.Chances of a long unintelligent communication(below group average) is very small.
4.Group Intelligence varies linealy over a period of time. Intelligence on a given day is assumed to be constant.

Formula should be the function of Topics and Replies as this is the only direct input the group.

Group Focus(N members) = (Total No. of threads)/(total no. of topics)

Intelligence is the Group Focus measured for a Day.
