Originally Posted By: Revlgking
Posters. Who among you is, are, able to make sense of the huge pile of dense, dark, dull and opaque material above, claiming to be Truth and Wisdom? By this forum, or in a PM, I would love to hear from you.

BTW, the above is filled--unconsciously of course--with ego-based paralogisms--not a common term in English, but is used in French. Dans la Critique de la raison pure, Kant a identifié les paralogismes comme étant des illusions de la raison.(In the Critic of the pure reason, Kant identified the paralogismes as being illusions of the reason.)

I'm afraid I have to disagree. There is not even the slightest illusion of reason contained therein. Only the claim of reason, or logic, or sense. Even your redundant expression; dense, dark, dull and opaque fails to fully describe the void it creates in the multiverse. It is a true vacuum. Not a molecule of gas, even an atom... not even a virtual particle, whatever the volume occupied, may enter in. Not even a thought.

When you talk to me like I'm five, I want to write on you with a crayon. -- Joanna Hoffman