I was looking for a link to the "Frequency - Wavelength Converter" included on that old "climate surfings" thread:

...and I ran across this. Thought it might be helpful:

The energy of a 15micron photon is 1.325×10^-20 joules; its momentum is 4.4×10^-29.
The kinetic energy of a CO2 molecule at 300K is 6.214×10^-21 joules (3742 joules for a mol); its momentum is 3.0×10^-23; its velocity (or the average velocity for a mol) is 412.5 m/sec.
One photon’s energy going into one molecule’s translation will raise its temperature from 300K to 630K; the mol’s avg. temp would increase to 300.038K.

...or maybe someone over there could help out more.

~ wink

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.