Originally Posted By: redewenur
How about starting the 'Big Haul' with a thin, lightweight cable. Take this to an altitude where cetrifugal force keeps it in place...send up mass to attach to the top end, thus increasing the cetrifugal force...attach a heavier cable to the bottom end and haul that up...send up more mass...and so on, until the final cable is in place.

If might be more feasible to lower the first cable from space, eh?

Notice I had to change my signature especially for this post grin

Originally Posted By: Mike Kremer

Reply to redewenur .....You are ABSOLUTELY right!!!

Your idea WILL work, you got my wholehearted admiration for what I believe may well become
the method used by NASA.

Here's my slight modification to your fab idea.
You take up a 200 mile long spool of thin Carbon Fibre to a manned fixed stationary Space Satellite...then shoot, or rocket down the weighted end, Earthwards....where it is caught, and further pulled down to ground level.
Then a thicker, and progressively thicker, Nano-cables are attached and hauled up to this Stationary Space satellite.
The Stationary Sat: becoming the centrifugal counter balance after various Satellite height adjustments are made during the cable deployment?

Now..... any ideas as to how they get rid of the couple of thousand miles of surplus Nano Fibre (guesstimated) that are pulled up until they reach the required cable thickness?

Rede, you should Email the working committee who are in Japan, at this present time. They might offer you a well paid job?.

Keep your signature...its unique.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.