Originally Posted By: Revlgking
Sam and TT: Unless the one who taught me philosophy deluded me, I recall that he told us students that the writings of Plato are not called debates, but dialogues, a method of which he expressed his fondness. He also pointed out that Socrates--who has been called "a Christian before Christ"--did not arrogantly claim to be the fount of all wisdom.

I'm not aware of any debate or of anyone making such claims.
Where are you going with this?
Originally Posted By: Revlgking

Sam and TT: Realizing the added value that face to face communication would be, I always appreciate all written comments offered with a positive attitude and in the spirit of dialogue.

Noble intentions are always accepted but not always are they given in understanding of ones reality. Nobility driven by lack of experience in reality actually is not nobility but illusion. Comprehensive objectivity is an even greater asset. By getting to know what is being said and the person who is saying it, one need not stand behind a rule and a wall of ideals always prepared for the attack or trying to prevent one.

A great teacher of mine always told me, "Everything that comes to you is a gift for your growth."
Never turn anything away in judgment, and don't assume everything is what you think it is.
Dialogue is much more than hollow pleasantries. Those things that come up and are painful to the ego are gifts to expand one beyond their limitations. Rather than turn them away or ignore them one should learn to look beyond the feelings of attack and the little self worth one has to believe they could be threatened by the words of another in their nature to express themselves.
There are no victims. We make the world what it is.
When it is attacking us we know not the absolute at-one-ment with our creation.
You could really know the now Rev. It will bring you much further than you are willing to let yourself go, which seems so full of the need to protect your identity as you wish to idealize it.
Originally Posted By: Revlgking

BTW, anytime any of my written comments appear to have a negative in attitude, please feel free to let me know.

OK. You have a negative attitude toward what I have said to you and about you.

Just letting you know.

No need to apologize, just move beyond it and open yourself to a greater possibility then you have in the past.

Or Not. I'm OK either way. I'm not one to let feelings get in the way of a constructive conversation.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!