Zephir wrote:
Well, the evolution of SMS specific language corresponds the fast cooling of particle system, during which the large number of tiny droplets appears in short period of time. Due its demand of high information density it can serve as a model case of language evolution at small scale.

Good answer! However I feel that my point is that the SMS system, although it feels new is actually conforming to language rules. In fact it is especially interesting because it uses also the Asian rules regarding the writing of language with its use of graphic representation of sounds/tonal qualityt, eg gr8=great. By combining the two an interesting written language is developing. My argument is that this languae is actually conforming to existing rules with regard to syntax, and there has been minimum spread to spoken language. At the moment it is a written language only--- as is shorthand or the transcribing of phonetics!

Have you thought that maybe the development of music may give you a more direct analogy to follow?