Originally Posted By: Zephir
We can met with many examples of inertial character of information spreading, which exhibits the behavior of quantum waves, when spreading through civilization. This behavior can learn us a lot about physics and sociology as well.
These analogies mean, every information is material wave by its very nature, whose spreading is driven by gradient of energy density like every inertial wave. The case of energy spreading in equilibrium corresponds the inertial diffusion of particle matter. Information always spread more effectively along existing gradients by the same way, like the waves during spreading through foam, i.e. when using analogies in explanation of new ideas. The very general nature of AWT enables to use both physical, both sociological analogies in its explanation. This is because the AWT doesn't depend on the nature of environment, it depends only to its geometry (recursive, stochastic, & fractal?).
Is that the geometry to which you refer?

The emergent nature of the universe can inform us about the emergent nature of civilization, societies, corporations, governments, and markets.

Despite the overwhelming physics background presented here, to make the point, it seems to be "on-topic" enough.
