We can met with many examples of inertial character of information spreading, which exhibits the behavior of quantum waves, when spreading through civilization. This behavior can learn us a lot about physics and sociology as well.

For example, we can met with so called total reflection phenomena. This effect occurs at the phase interface, where the energy wave travels through environment of lower energy density into more dense one.

One could expect, the information will spread along energy gradient the more easily, the stronger such gradient will be. But the reality is quite opposite above certain level. The speed of learning cannot exceed certain critical level. Above this value, the object will start to behave like informational black holes and it will lose the ability to radiate it's energy/information (nearly) completely.

For example, we cannot learn a dog a difficult task, because its neural system is of low information density with respect to our. The dog in human society is behaving like reflecting bubble filled by air, when immersed into liquid with high refraction index. The dog could learn a lotta things from human society, but in fact he will learn nothing, mostly due the excessive entropy gradient, generated by millions years of human brain evolution.

On the other, the space shuttle wrecked in the middle of bush is behaving like informational black hole, when surrounded by savages, because of too high gradient of information. The analysis of plane technology would help these people in many ways, but they cannot cross its informational barrier.

Therefore the people, who are proposing a new ideas cannot retreat from the target reality (advance its time) too much, or they're risking, their information will be refuted and reflected back again. It was a destiny of many farseeing people, who have had forgotten the basic rules of energy/information spreading .

In addition, we can observe the dispersion and reflection phenomena on the phase boundaries and gradient. Every new information is violently opposed by proponents of old system of thinking. We can decrease such condemnation by surface treatment of the phase boundary: by scratching and making holes, for example by publishing it in many separated places and by using of viral marketing techniques. The same approach (surface undulations) can be used to excerpt energy from black holes.

We can met with the superconductivity phenomena inside of systems of very low energy density, i.e. at the case of information spreading through sectarian and totalitarian societies, characterized by very strong paradigms of thinking. The rich society is much more individualistic and secular, so that the information spreading has a diffusive character here, i.e. it's not organized by existing structures, but it spreads by peer-to-peer mechanism and rather slowly due the high information density of society.

The reverse side of every totalitarian society of low energy/information density (i.e. in "boson condensate" state ) is, it's behaving like reflecting bubble form perspective of information spreading, so that most of information bounces from outside due the strong phase interface phenomena (censorship and propaganda, relying on ignorance and superstitiousness of society members). The superstitions about Aether concept are the main barrier in Aether theory spreading.

These analogies mean, every information is material wave by its very nature, whose spreading is driven by gradient of energy density like every inertial wave. The case of energy spreading in equilibrium corresponds the inertial diffusion of particle matter. Information always spread more effectively along existing gradients by the same way, like the waves during spreading through foam, i.e. when using analogies in explanation of new ideas. The very general nature of AWT enables to use both physical, both sociological analogies in its explanation. This is because the AWT doesn't depend on the nature of environment, it depends only to its geometry.