I've been resisting a reply here, but....

I just wanted to point out that this (like your ice graphs)
is measuring the anomaly, not the temperature.

This would be better viewed as a bar graph;
a bar for each year's divergence from average.
Each year (except '84-85) is above average.
A downward dip just means it's not as much above average as the preceding year.
In general, the trend is upward.

You've got '08 on the graph already?
It looks like the "first 4 months" already are as warm as all of 1990 & 2000.

I still have not had it explained to me by anyone how the actual temperatures
could fall outside the ENTRIRE RANGE of the 2001 predictions. -ImranCan

The predictions are for trends; not a specific year, for which
"actual temperatures could fall outside" (above or below) any predicted trend.

Let's wait for the end of 2008 before including it in a "rolling 5 year average,"
and then proclaiming a significant deviation.
Maybe it'll get warmer as summer '08 unfolds.


p.s. Also note the inset graph on the lower right.
Again, like the ice graphs, we're talking about a hugely
magnified, tiny end segment, of a very large graph.

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.