Let me give a swing at that answer too. My youngest brother (clocking in at 34 years old) has become an ordained minister in the nebulous Evangelical movement.

His heart is in the right place (wanting to help others, wanting to save souls). The Christian Right is a strange bunch that can be summed up in a post email message little bro sent to me...

I do see things differently about the election but I am not so wrap up in the man who is in charge of the country. Things are strange and scary and one man alone can only do so much. You know my faith and God is where my trust is, this isn't a big secret but just stating my thoughts on my beliefs. I see a big gap in the things that I feel are morally right and decent and a decline of those ideas over the past decades. A person can choose whatever he wants to be, that is free will but sadly the choses that have been made seem to be getting less and less Godly in my view.

When statements like "The south has too much Jesus" really bothers me because blanket statements and insults are usually the weapons of those who feel they are superior in their opinions and drown out those that have opposit views. People that scream for tolerance are usually the least tolerant of those who don't believe and think the way they do.

buried in that small missive are many truths - the Right feels that no man can lead them, only Jesus (whatever that means - its an individual thing), so Shrubby gets a big fat pass on his efforts to tie an aging population to Drug Companies (legislation forbidding Medicare/Medicad from group purchasing, forbidding importation of drugs), another big fat pass on Iraq (those godless heatherns, etc etc etc), and the Environment destruction he will cause (God's Creation, Man Can Not Change)...

Also the note of the inferiority complex (being talked down to, the fact that they don't know sheet about science summd up in a back of the short bus philosophy that life has delt this hand, God only knows why, and we are given only what we can bear attitude NEVER aspires to anything greater in this life - it is all saved up for some never to be reached dreamworld just as silly as the 40 virgins that await morons who kill themselves in the name of (whatever).

Finally the last tone completely ignores the history of crime and intollerence practiced in Jesus' name throughout its history - We Want To Be Equal (and once equal) We Need To Eliminate The Heretic - a well known and sure to be repeated passion play.

America IS in trouble. We have given the keys of power to a deamon, a demegogue, a fool and a believer in lies. And that finger is firmly entrenched on The Button - a man whose supposed dearest wish is to see Christ Return, which can only happen after the Temple has been rebuilt and a final battle between the forces of Light and Darkness which combined with a series of devine curses that wipes out most of the world's population.

Dearest wish? Our demise. Maybe we had all better start praying to whatever powers there may be to keep that horror from coming to pass.