Originally posted by Pasti:

What I want to see is the proof of this "law"....That there are only
two such loops for any type of
organization, this is more complicated
(if real). That this is indeed the case
with all hierarchical systems in the
universe, this is patently a conjecture,
based mainly on nothing, to put it mildly.

So unless he proves his statements, beyond triviality, Baez's ranking remains valid.
Dear Pasti,

At the moment, I can prove the existence of The Universal Law
of Organization only by its concrete effects,
by an
experimental and inductive-deductive way, as in many other
cases of discoveries in an incipient stage.

The fact that in all systems working in univers there are
only two loops, each loop having three managing-functions I
showed, isn`t "a conjecture, based mainly on nothing", but
is patently a scientific conclusion based on concrete
numerous experiments and observations..

Nature "speak" to us, either denying/confirming a conjecture,
or even by images, in our experiments.

If you come a magnet near a iron filings particles,
you`ll see this particles sit always on the same curve linies:
the magnetic field`s force linies, revealing their existence.

In the same way, if you come the systemic-cybernetic
vision near all the principales concepts of organizing
and managing activities, this concepts will sit logicaly
along two feed-back informational loops, into always the
same system-sketch: The Universal Model
of Organization.
Based on my long theoretical and practical experience in
the matter, I think there is no alrternative as complete as
this model !

After you`ll see this model, you`ll be prepossessed
by its "simplicity in complexity", by its clarity, by
its general scientific character.

In the "Preface" of my book "CHESS AND CYBERNETICS"
(1986), page 12,
Professor Ph. D. Engineer Dolphi Drimer, member of academies
and of other international scientific organizations,
International Chess Master, the future Rector of The Ecological
University of Bukarest, wrote:

"In the beginning I came near to this work with the distrust
of the chess player and the hesitation of the man of science,
but I finished the reading of the book with the
joy of having
read an original text that proves how one can play chess
scientifically and how one can approach science through the

I appreciate the praiseworthy initiative of the Sport-Turism
Publishing House to print a very present work, addressed to
a large number of readers."

I think this model is a law of nature, an universal law,
because it can be identified in all systems that work in univers,
in microcosm and in macrocosm alike.

You can see by yourself his logical governing force if you
want to build a system having a goal for you. If you have in
your hand this model, you don`t avoid its structure and
its work if you want that your builded system have a maximum
efficiency for long time. Nothing of The Universal Law
of Organization can be omited, nothing must be added moreover.

Paraphrasing you, unless you or someoane else doesn`t offer
a credible alternative to my theory, this theory can be valable
and can be teach in schools taking into consideration
its high proved practical value in systems analysis and
design, in organizing and managing of
all kinds of

Thank you for your interesting replay !

Yours sincerely,
September 14 2005

_ _____________ _
After a long practice as manager I discovered a law of nature: THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF ORGANIZATION: http://www.organizationlaw.com You can utilize its graphical model to an efficient organization and management of all yours activities.