Originally Posted By: ml66uk
The studies which allegedly show a reduction in HIV among circumcised men are highly questionable. Not one of them was finished, despite the protective affect appearing to decline well below the oft-reported 65%, and several of the subjects disappeared. The fact that one study described circumcision as "comparable to a vaccine of high efficacy" seems to show clear bias. They appear to have been seeking a certain result. One has to wonder how many of the people promoting circumcision in Africa are themselves circumcised. Daniel Halperin is the grandson of a mohel, and seems to think that "maybe in some small way (he's) destined to help pass along (circumcision)" so his objectivity is questionable.

Other epidemiological studies have shown no correlation between HIV and circumcision, but rather with the numbers of sex workers, or the prevalence of "dry sex".

The two continents with the highest rates of AIDS are the same two continents with the highest rates of male circumcision. Rwanda has almost double the rate of HIV in circed men than intact men, yet they've just started a nationwide circumcision campaign. Other countries where circumcised men are *more* likely to be HIV+ are Cameroon, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, and Tanzania. That's six countries where men are more likely to be HIV+ if they've been circumcised. Something is very wrong here. These people aren't interested in fighting HIV, but in promoting circumcision (or sometimes anything-but-condoms), and their actions will cost lives.

Circumcised male virgins are more likely to be HIV+ than intact male virgins, as the operation sometimes infects men. The latest news is that circumcised HIV+ men are more likely to transmit the virus to women than intact HIV+ men (even after the healing period is over). Eight additional women appear to have been infected during that study, solely because their husbands were circumcised.

Female circumcision seems to protect against HIV too btw, but we wouldn't investigate cutting off women's labia, and then start promoting that.

For a good summary of the case against promoting circumcision in Africa, see this link:

Originally Posted By: Mike Kremer

Just a very quick reply to this one, as I have spoken about this before in Scienceagogo.

Originally no Doctor, Hospital, or Clinic ever stated that ever stated that male circumcision protected women against HIV or AIDS. But there is a very large amount of liturature that proves that circumcison does protect women against Gonnoreah and Syphylis, plus other sexually transmitted diseases.

The Australians did suggest that circumcision might give some protection against HIV and AIDS, but they are both relatively new highly infectious diseases, which more importantly can both be transmitted by other methods than by normal sexual intercourse.
Apart from the Australians suggesting circumcision might help.
At the time I wrote about circumcision, nobody had ever suggested that it helped prevent AIDS or HIV.
HIV and AIDS are both extremely dangerous and life threatening diseases, for which to date there is no cure.
Although I believe it can be held at 'bay' by using an expensive concoction of anti-biotics, and other drugs for the rest of ones life.
These drugs are not usually available in the poorer countrys of Africa, due to the high price involved in relation to their subsistance wages. That being the reason why AIDS/HIV is so prevalent on the African continent.
One can find a lot of info that circumcision protects the other Sex transmitted diseases.
Most hospitals in the USA the UK usually ask if they would like their newborn son, circumcised these days
So I am sure you can find a lot of info regarding pro-circumcision against the other sex transmitted diseases if you search.

My old URL is here:-

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"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.