I do not believe in Karma. I don't believe our lives are prearranged we all have choices, sometimes and perhaps most of the time we make the wrong choice and I'm speaking from experience. The difference in man and animal is our ability to reason. You take the facts, decide for you what is right or wrong based on your beliefs and go for it. If you decide to try to beat the train at the intersection and you don't, that was a stupid move, it wasn't karma. I would like to go a bit further, I can't say God is going to punish us for everything we do. The ancient Greeks looked at their gods as constantly sitting around waiting for someone to really mess up so Zeus could throw a lightning bolt at him or give him canker sores. Some christians and Muslems believe literally the same thing. I think that is one thing that really turns some people away from religion. The old "I am going to heaven and you are going to Hell", belief that I have heard many times in not the exact words, but the same meaning. It is not mans duty or does he have the authority
to judge the morality of another human being. We should enjoy this world and all the company we have in it. I think the major religions preach a good sermon, but some of the messengers are tainted. Man has always been successful in rationalizing and twisting things around to fit his wants and needs. It is our nature.

People will forgive you for anything -but being right !