G'day Samwik,

Thanks for the post, the links are much appreciated. I'm looking for the names of BBC shows, and US shows both very pro global warming and those that are sceptical but your contributions are still terrific.

And thank you for the PS. It was much appreciated. But for my medical condition I know would have probably have finished my Climatology PhD but you know what I'd really like to have achieved. A text book on scientific progress, the form of studies and research currently acceptable especially in Climatology and just how much an underlying assumption or a particular methodology used in the research can play such a major roll in distorting the results of research.

Final conclusions, to my mind should be banned from research papers. They often provide sound bites that have no relevance to the research actually conducted. I'm so glad that all my posts have at least had an effect on one person. All science should be viewed with a healthy dose of scepticism.

It is such a pity that the scientific methodologies used in research are now paid so little attention or that assumptions made are now so rarely challenged. Science should be all about advancing our understanding of the Universe, not a quest to obtain the most funding!

As I have said very many times, I'm a fan of global warming. The alternative is not pleasant to contemplate but in all the time I have been reviewing Climate studies I have yet to find one that supposedly supports global warming that is not seriously flawed either in the assumptions used or the methodologies. That's just sad. Some of the research is extremely interesting and probably makes many valid points that could be useful but the flaws just make it impossible to trust that the research is mostly, partly or even slightly accurate.



Sane=fits in. Unreasonable=world needs to fit to him. All Progress requires unreasonableness