G'day ImranCan,

Ah the problem with statistics and graphs. You can make people believe almost anything by the way you present the data. In this case you are not looking at a graph that is showing perhaps no global warming for the past decade. Far from it.

This graph is not a graph of temperatures but anomolies. For it to be understandable, the anomoly used needs to be very clearly defined. Is it the World's Average Temperature taken from a century of data and thus a static figure? Or is it a figure determined from a running average? There are all sorts of ways of determining anomolies and I believe they should be clearly stated within the graph itself so you are sure you looking at what you think you are looking at.

For a static anomoly, the graph does indeed look pretty static. Why then use anomolies at all. Why not just the temperature itself. The graph would be identical in shape, without any question as to whether it is misleading or otherwise.

Anomolies are useful with climatic data but in my view they are grossly over used, often deceptively.

As they say, lies, damn lies and statistics!


Sane=fits in. Unreasonable=world needs to fit to him. All Progress requires unreasonableness