) If ya got 1.1 billion warm bodies in yer country, boy, it ain't "developin" no how no way. You is arrived every place ya ever gonna be.
REP: We were there for 5000 years( even I dont believe that figure) but we lost our head somewhere in the past.
1) If your neighbor periodically slits her wrists and gets carted off to the ER at huge public expense, the rational and expedient solution is to let her bleed to death of her own hand. Do nothing. Any other course of action is real world stupid - Flushing good money down a toilet and encouraging others to make a career out of crying "VICTIM!"
REP: Easy to say than done.. when the neighbour was once your brother.
2) It isn't India's fault! There has never been a monsoon before - except for the past 5000 recorded years. They prayed and made offerings to their gods. Now, they are begging. What else would you have them do?
REP:Monsoon was always there at the places it was needed in the right way.
3) Do you think FEMA is anything other than flushing good money down a toilet? If FEMA comes to town all the local lawyers get rich (admittedly many years down the road).
REP: No idea.