TFF, talking about measuring and counting, take note of the following:
12 March 2008
Epigenetic Changes Found In Schizophrenics
by Kate Melville

For the first time, scientists from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) have discovered epigenetic changes (chemical changes to a gene that do not alter the DNA sequence) in individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The findings may be a significant step on the way to fully understanding major psychosis.

CAMH's Dr. Arturas Petronis studied 12,000 locations on the genome using an epigenomic profiling technology and found that approximately one in every two hundred of these genes showed an epigenetic difference in the brains of psychiatric patients. Significantly, these changes were noted on genes involved in neurotransmission (the exchange of chemical messages within the brain) and brain development.

It's possible that these epigenetic changes may be the missing link in understanding what causes an illness."

I have long suspected that there is a connection between the kind of pneumatological beings, or spiritual beings, we are and the kind of genetic make up we have. In other words, there are spiritual genes, which are not necessarily fixed in place--they are subject to being changed. This could mean that we can--using meditation and the like--influence, for good or ill, our spiritual, mental and physical states of being.

Dare we assume that we are truly responsible for everything we experience? And that, using our spiritual natures, we can do something about it? We are who we choose to be?

Pneumatology--the study of the Spirit--is not quite a science, yet. But it seems it is getting there.

Last edited by Revlgking; 03/28/08 05:51 PM.

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT