Originally Posted By: avg29

I need some information about:
The effect of excessive amounts of CO2(carbon dioxide) in plants and how/why plants release CO2 at night (supposedly.. that's what I heard).

Originally Posted By: Mike Kremer

I am pretty certain that plants actually breath in C02 during the day, which together with Sunlight, produce sugars, and grow.
Plants are the only living things on this Planet that produce their own food, together with minerals and water.

But at night with no light, they breath in Oxygen (respiration)
which is why they are taken out of Hospital rooms at night.

I have no idea as to how they might be effected in a 100% C02 atmosphere?
You might try fast growing mustard an cress under a clear glass beaker or cup......Exhaling your own C02 using a straw into the beaker, a few times a day, to see what happens?
Or better? Use 100% C02 from a carbonated fizzy drink, via a rubber tube.
Sorry I cant help more.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.