
"Purposed Research Project

Prove the existence of “the spirit realm”

 Science is the study of the physical, natural world.

 The supernatural is, by definition, not within the scope of science.

 Scientists can study only the physical phenomena allegedly associated with the supernatural.

 Science has the potential only to prove that all such phenomena are attributable to specific physical causes.

That being so, the project is a non-starter.

Atheists appear to have a very firm foothold in science. Why? Well, here are two suggestions:

(1) Because they reject the contention that there is any physical phenomenon that cannot eventually be explained without recourse to the supernatural.

(2) Because they are not hampered in their reasoning and research by various irrational/non-scientific/anti-scientific theological beliefs

Has science been 'unfairly' hijacked by atheists?

Hardly. Atheists simply refuse to subvert and contort science in an attempt to fit it into an irrational belief system. This may give the impression of a hijacking, but whose fault is that? If they have a disproportionately large share of the scientific cake, maybe it's because so many theists don't like the taste of it.