Y'know how people aren't very good at picking, or simulating, a random pattern, on their own?

I remember as a teenager, noticing that the astrology that my friends were getting into, could generate an "accurate reading" simply by picking random passages (thanks, HS math book).

The "resource of descriptions," whether entirely mental or contained within a book, is the key to success in any of these personality (or past/future life) inventories.

The methods such as the Astrology's alignment of planets, the hexagrams of I Ching, the symbology of Tarot cards, etc., simply reflects the process of successfully generating random "numbers," or citations.

p.s. sorry those last 2 sentences are poorly written, but I think you'll get the idea (pseudoscience as a random pattern generator). Busy day.... This might also read better from bottom to top?

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.