Thanks TFF
I remembered the name on my way to the bank today,
and wished I had thought of it earlier while I was replying to your post.

this is an excerpt from the link you provided.

Oliver is a Common Chimpanzee and a former performing ape once promoted as a missing link or "Humanzee" due to an unusually human-like face and a tendency to walk upright. Despite his somewhat unusual appearance and behavior, Oliver is, genetically speaking, a normal chimpanzee.[1]

he walks upright.
he has an unusually human like face.

but he has normal chimpanzee chromosomes.

So did it take a change in ape chromosomes in order for humans
to begin to walk upright and to begin to look like humans?

according to this ape it did not.

perhaps that is because humans did not evolve from apes !

perhaps it is because apes evolved from humans !

and it was more about environmental surroundings than it was
evolution / natural selection.
I wonder how far under the sea the real evidence is...

Last edited by paul; 01/10/08 02:46 AM.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.