dvk ... if you don't mind my asking ... are you older than 15?
REP ; Having little fun of the most innocent kind should not be banned because everyone wants that little escape from the daily routine..
And this was remark was misplaced...
Problems don't get solved by wishful thinking.
REP: Vague statement... and it can be debated to death...
Problems don't get solved by playing what a former coworker once described as 'tinlike' ("tinlike God will take care of us," "tinlike we have an ultimate weapon").
REP: I never involved GOD.. although God is known to help people with diseases and severe stress.
As with every other human problem, an effective and efficient solution lies with a correct, coherent, and to the extent possible complete definition of what is known about the problem.
REP: What is meant by an effective and efficient solution? To me it means complete eradication of AIDS with minimum effort.
Unfortunately, wishful thinking and politics and other social pressures have impeded and continue to impede progress.
REP: You are not playing politics and that is what should be the policy of each and every person involved with sensible discussion.
Today the power has been distributed and you free to show your displeasure thru vote.
I don't know what 'eastern medicine' can provide. I say this out of genuine ignorance and not a desire to be coy. If the answer is "just do yoga" or "meditate," or "here, drink this tea," I'm going to be a little disappointed.
REP: Yoga is not the only medicine.. Chinese also have excellent track record in curing diseases.. Btw Yoga is a lifestyle and is used as a preventive measure when applied to Medicine...
There is some percentage of caucasians who appear to be immune to the disease. Check out this report from the US national academies of science.
I've seen other reports that some percentage of other populations also have some degree of resistance to the disease.
REP: Thats great .. so we are getting closer to the cure .. and who will be the great saint to allow testing of the Vaccine. What happens if the AIDS survives ? He will die a chosen death ...
Imagine a new virus AIDS++ which overcomes the newly developed resistance and we again get an opportunity to employ thousands of Researchers...
It is not a bad strategy to keep the cycle running but my question is if someone gives you a complete cure package without medicine will you accept it?
In any case, I don't know that AIDs is any 'smarter' than any other disease.
REP: AIDS is undoubtedly smarter than any of his
fellow viruses and his smartness is matched only by a human being.... He knows how get his food ... and knows how to survive the 21st Century Science...